mdEmail® Registration API

(string) upload($uploadRequest)

        accountInfo:{//used to authenticate the user who upload the document
            username:'',//account name, for example:
            data: //base64encoded data of the document
            mimeType: //Mimetype
            documentName:'',//the name of the document
        signerEmail:'', //signer's email address.
        comment:'' //comments for the signer


The response comes in a soap object containing three elements.
  (string) code - A response code. This will be "000" if there is no error
  (string) message - A description of the response code
  (array) values - An array containing the URL for signing the document in the first element.

Sample Code (using NuSoap)(PHP)

$soap = new SoapClient("", array ( 'trace' => true, 'exceptions' => true, ));
    ),     "signerEmail"=>"",
    "comment"=>"Please sign the document and send back to me.
if ($response->code == '000') {
  $url = $response->values[0];
  echo $response->message;

The xml for the WSDL can be found here